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Lifestyle Modification III: Time Restricted Eating

Over the past few years, there have been many published clinical trials that have identified the benefits of time-restricted eating.

In a recent New England Journal of Medicine article, 32(2033), the authors identified several benefits derived from fasting:

  • Increased autophagy or the elimination of dysfunctional and senescence cells, and facilitates cellular repair in the body. Increasing autophagy has been associated with decreasing blood pressure and fighting disease.

  • Reduction in cytokines which reduces inflammation in the body. Chronic inflammation damages healthy cells, tissues, and organs. Over time, this can lead to DNA damage, tissue death, and internal scarring.

  • Animal studies have demonstrated that animals with time-restricted eating, on average, live 30% longer. Interestingly, in some studies, the animals consumed nearly the same number of calories during the feeding window compared to the other animals that were allowed to eat whenever they wanted. Yet, the longevity benefits persisted.

  • Keeping the blood sugar and insulin level low during fasting can result in the activation of a group of hormones called Sirtuins. This group of hormones are actively engaged in cellular repair and maintenance. Additionally, during fasting, with decreased protein intake, the mTor pathway is suppressed. This is beneficial as elevated mTor is associated with shortened life span, cancer, and many other chronic health conditions.

So what is the ideal time restriction diet to follow which would achieve the benefits described above? Any reduction seems to be beneficial. The more popular regimens are 14:10, 16:8, and 18:6. So these represent a 14-, 16-, and 18-hour fasting window respectively. During the eating window of 10, 8, and 6 hours, you can eat.

Fasting may seem overwhelming at first. Adding a Semaglutide protocol to your new regime can make it much easier to adjust as it reduces your appetite and squelches cravings. Over time time-restricted eating will become a habit as your body acclimates to the diet modifications–and the end result is increased energy and a longer and healthier life.

Learn more about our Medical Weight Loss Program with Semaglutide.

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