Medical Weight Loss

The best losing proposition ever.

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Semaglutide® is a game-changer in revolutionizing weight loss.

Twenty pounds? One hundred or more? However much you want to lose, TruGevity can help you reach your weight—and health—goals with Semaglutide.

Semaglutide is a medication that mimics a naturally occurring hormone, glucagon-like-peptide 1, and targets an area of the brain to suppress appetite and food intake.

  • Injected once a week with a tiny needle needle; most TruGevity patient do self-injections, but we can also administer the injection weekly in our clinic
  • Safe, effective and won’t cause an increase in your heart rate or blood pressure, or cause jitteriness or insomnia like other common weight loss medications
  • Common side effects include nausea, bloating and heartburn, which can be alleviated by gradually increasing the dose
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And so is our highly specialized program. Lose weight and gain health.

We also provide complementary vitamins, B12 and glutathione to augment your weight loss, as well as expertise on nutrition and thyroid function. We can even prescribe continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) like Dexcom, Free Style, or Contour when making dietary changes.

Unlike most programs, your initial consultation includes a comprehensive laboratory evaluation to check for underlying conditions that may be a barrier to weight loss. All conditions will be addressed and corrected. Lab testing will also serve as a baseline of improvement over time.

Your body weight and composition will be evaluated at your first visit, and every visit, to ensure your weight loss represents mostly fat and not lean muscle. If the proportions of weight loss do not meet our standards, a proactive plan will be initiated to ensure healthy and sustained weight loss is achieved.

Why weight? Think what you’ll gain from losing.

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Semaglutide: FAQs. You asked, we answered.

Q: Will Semaglutide cause persistent nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea?

A: Nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may occur with use of Semaglutide. This is dose dependent and typically occurs when the dosage is advanced too quickly. Nevertheless, it typically resolves over time. At TruGevity we will manage these symptoms if they occur by adjusting the dosage as needed. Additionally, to mitigate the side effects, we can prescribe nausea medication, like Zofran, to control the symptoms until your body acclimates.

Q: I have a friend that said she got a yeast infection from Semaglutide. Is that common?

A: No, this is uncommon in weight loss patients using Semaglutide. In patients with diabetes and elevated circulating glucose levels it has been documented as more glucose released into the urine.

Q: Will I gain my weight back after I stop taking Semaglutide?

A: When any successful weight loss treatment is stopped, and dietary and exercise habits have not been modified, and eating resumes as it did prior to the treatment, then the weight will return. At TruGevity, our goal is to help our patients make enough modifications in their lifestyle that the weight regain will be negligible if any. Dietary habits are much easier to modify when your hunger is suppressed. Our goal is your long-term success.

Q: I heard Semaglutide is a medication for diabetics. Will it cause my blood sugar to go too low causing hypoglycemia?

A: No. That is not how this medication works. Patients that have developed hypoglycemia while taking Semaglutide, and were not taking other diabetes medication, may have developed this secondary to poor dietary choices, but the incidence is too infrequent to determine.

Q: I know someone who lost a lot of weight with Semaglutide and they have lost weight in their face and wrinkles are more noticeable. Will that happen to me?

A: With all rapid weight loss, whether from appetite suppressants, intense exercise, or surgery, there will be a period when the skin is loose. In time, the skin will tighten up. However, extremely rapid weight loss is not our objective. At TruGevity we strive for a steady sustained weight loss to minimize the loss of lean muscle and hair and you will look great.

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