
Real results from people just like you. 

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It’s time to put your best self first. We help clients do just that.

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"Professional care, incredible, sustainable results.

Like many women, I have struggled with my weight for most of my life—gaining and losing the same 5-10 pounds when I really needed to lose 30 pounds for good, for my overall health and wellbeing. Thanks to Lori and the amazing staff at TruGevity, the efficacy of semaglutide, and dutifully journaling my food and fitness each day, I am proud to say I am just a few pounds from my goal weight—a number I haven't seen since before my children were born! Not only do my clothes fit better, but I feel younger with more energy. And without the "food noise" typically associated with weight loss clouding my thoughts, I find myself having a much healthier and happier relationship with food. I am not worried about gaining it back this time. I now have the tools—and support—for sustainable weight loss. Thank you, TruGevity!"

client: Melissa H, Global Communications Manager, avid peloton rider, soccer mom

"A huge shout out to Trugevity Health and Wellness! 

A little over a year ago I was at a breaking point. I was exhausted, like into my bones exhausted. I just felt blah. I had to “push through” most days. Drinking 3 Nespresso’s a day and still struggling. I chalked it up to being a mom of three year old twins and doing all the things. I tried all sorts of things to feel better, but still came up short. I also gained 15 pounds while following the same diet I had the year before (and the year before lost 40 pounds) I read a bunch and narrowed it down to my endocrine system, but that’s super complex and I needed help. After searching Google I came across the crew at Trugevity. They did an extensive blood panel (way more than my doctor ever did).

Turns out I had quite a few things out of whack. My testosterone was almost non existent (ladies, if you didn’t know, extended period of time with low testosterone can cause osteoporosis) my thyroid was in the “normal, but low range”, and my iron was suuuper low. All of that combined = feeling like shit.

So, I started bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, got on a natural thyroid medication (after trying supplements that didn't give it the boost I needed), and started taking an iron supplement. I finally feel alive. I didn’t even realize how terrible I felt until I started feeling better. I swear to you, colors even seemed brighter. I can have fun with the twins without feeling like I’m just pushing through my days. I am so grateful for this team. If you feel like any of this resonates with you, give them a call and set up an appointment to get your bloodwork done. As women, we put ourselves on the back burner, or think that we “should” be tired considering what all we do in a day, but there is no reason to just accept that. We deserve to feel good!"

client: Annie W, Salon owner, mom to busy but amazing twin toddler girls

"Unleashing My Inner Strength and Leaner Self with HRT.

"Prior to starting HRT, I struggled with persistent fatigue, diminished muscle tone and a frustrating inability to shed excess weight. Under the careful guidance of TruGevity, I embarked on a personalized HRT regimen tailored to address my unique needs. The impact was nothing short of astounding.

My energy levels skyrocketed and I felt a renewed sense of vitality. Gone were the days of feeling weak and fatigued. Through a balanced combination of hormone optimization and lifestyle adjustments, lean muscle mass began to replace stubborn fat, resulting in a leaner, more sculpted physique.

Beyond the physical changes, HRT has also had a profound impact on my mental well-being. Hormonal imbalances can often lead to mood swings, irritability, and a general sense of unease. However, with HRT, I experienced a newfound emotional balance.

I wholeheartedly endorse HRT for anyone seeking to feel stronger and leaner."

Client: Kiel J, Pilates Studio Owner, busy dad

"I will definitely be returning.

I recently visited TruGevity, and as soon as I walked in, it felt like family. The staff was friendly and Lori, the NP, was so informative and helpful. They got me the treatment I wanted and they didn't try to sell me other products I didn't need. I would recommend this place to friends and family, and will definitely be returning."

client: Melissa D, Booking Administrator at American Airlines Center, baseball and softball mom, concert junky

"Big TruGevity fan.

“I visited TruGevity and walked into the friendliest of staff–that’s a big deal for me to feel that way. I was pleasantly surprised, so a huge thank you for being awesome to others.

I joined the TruGevity weight loss program using Semaglutide and was impressed with the knowledge given to me in straight forward, easy to understand steps. It has been unbelievably easy and I literally have watched the weight melt off. Every single day I step on the scales and am astonished with what I see–which is usually close to 1 pound a day.

I have never been one to join weight loss programs ever because I was really only about 25 pounds overweight, but this program really works for me and I have TruGevity to thank for this. My nurse practitioner, Lori, not only educated and monitored me–she truly had my best interest at heart which in a world of “out for money” clinics is so rare.

Client: Mark R, Business owner and doting grandfather

Feel Great. Look Great. start today.