Live Blood Analysis

Real-time insight into your health. Live Blood Analysis.

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It’s new—and exciting! Live blood Microscopy can identify your path to optimal health and metabolic balance.

We simply take a single drop of blood from your finger and analyze it under a powerful microscope. The appearance, behavior, and arrangement of your blood cells can reveal fascinating information and various health conditions. Studying the rate at which your blood cells degenerate on the microscope slide also gives us insight into the speed at which your body is aging and internally degenerating

A few of the current or future health issues LBA can expose:

  • Toxic chemicals

  • Bacteria

  • Parasites

  • Fungal infections

  • Weakened immune system

  • Hormone imbalances

  • Nutritional imbalances

This valuable test gives a much deeper perspective into your state of health at the cellular level. Together, we can address any issues, and prevent further degenerative aging and disease.

What does your blood reveal about you?

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