
TruGevity's Blog

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Today, more than two-thirds of adults in the U.S. are overweight or obese. While there are many treatments for weight loss, Semaglutide® is proving to be one of the most successful.

Semaglutide is similar to a natural hormone called glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1), which is produced in the body after eating a meal. It targets an area in the brain (called GLP-1 receptors) that help to regulate your...

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As a doctor working to improve longevity and health span outcomes for my patients, the importance of exercise cannot be ignored.

Sugar is used to make foods sweet and more desirable. Food manufacturers began adding sugar to various foods in the 1970’s. This was in response to the government recommendations to avoid fat, and adopt a low-fat lifestyle. Since fat conveys both flavor and texture, removing fat from food makes it relatively tasteless prompting food manufacturers to add sugar and other carbohydrates to replace the fat. As fat was...

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As a doctor working to improve longevity and health span outcomes for my patients, the importance of exercise cannot be ignored.

Exercise is not just important for overall health and vitality, but it can also prevent disease. Evaluation of patient demographics participating in moderate exercise has concluded that regular exercise can decrease all cancer by 23%, and cardiovascular disease by 30%, with an all-cause mortality reduction of 25%. In this retrospective analysis, moderate exercise is defined as 50 minutes once weekly or 10-20 minutes 3...

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Over the past few years, there have been many published clinical trials that have identified the benefits of time-restricted eating.

In a recent New England Journal of Medicine article, 32(2033), the authors identified several benefits derived from fasting:

  • Increased autophagy or the elimination of dysfunctional and senescence cells, and facilitates cellular repair in the body. Increasing autophagy has been associated with decreasing blood pressure and fighting disease.

  • Reduction in cytokines which reduces...
